Final Essay

This year is very important for my country, because is a. bicentennial year.
Chile is a beautiful and interesting country, the people is very friendly. The people change in the time, the Chilean people is very different than Chilean people in the past (for example), and now…Chile has a own culture.
This year (2010) was a special year, with more problems for the society. But the Chilean people is very strong and courageous. This is my topic, “Bicentennial’s anthology…Chile, big country”. February 27, was a terrible day for the chilean people. This day, an earthquake in Chile produce sadness in the chilean families.
More people died for the earthquake…was a terrible day for everyone.
After time, the terrible day was “superated” in Chile…and the World Cup helped.
Chile participated in this competition and the chilean people was very happy in this moment.
Marcelo Bielsa was a coutch in this moment, and he maked a good job with chilean football team.
But not only is good…other bad day for Chile; Agust 5 one mine (San Jose, Copiapo) was collapsed with 33 person.
The people was into the mine for 70 days.
Very countries helped to Chile, with technology, (for example machines) , and emotional support.
One day, the people into the mine wrote in a white pepper: “We (33 person) are ok into the mine” (the machine is down approximately 688 meters underground) was a message of hope for the families. Chilean people (and other people in the world) was cry for emotion and happiness.
In this moment, the government worked day and night for the people.
Today the 33 person are out of the mine (saved) with there families.

Finally, this year was very intense for Chile, but Chilean people are optimistic and courageous, however Chile should grow, because is a “more young country than France”. This was a “Bicentennial’s anthology…Chile, big country”.

Andy Warhol, my favorite artist!

Andrew Warhola, was born in 1928 in Pittsburg, Pensilvania EEUU. He studied comercial art in the beauty art school of Carniege, Pensilvania.
He is my favorite artist, because I love pop art (for the colors, forms and simplicity).
Andy Warhol was an plastic artist (like Yoko Ono) and filmmaker (Naranja Mecánica), very avant-garde for his age (moment).
Andy was a polemic person...other artists said that "Art Warhol" was a bad joke and stupid.
In 60s , Warhol began paint comercial products, for example; coca-cola, campell soup. This objets were "cultural icons for USA", like Marylin Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor, Warhol thought:

“What's great about this country is that America has started a tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest ...
Coca-Cola is a Coca-Cola, and not even any money in the world, can you find a better Coca-Cola than drinking the beggar on the corner. All Coca-Cola are the same and all queues are good. Liz Taylor knows it, the President knows, the beggar knows, and you know it”

In 70s, Warhol had his own ideology when he said; "Make money is art, and the work is an art, and a good business is the best art"...this period was more relax than 60s.

"Dato Freack":
Warhol was designer of Sticky Fingers and Love you Live, CD of Rolling Stones.
Warhol was very fashionist, he said: I prefer buy a dress and hanging on the wall before putting a picture, do not you?

This is my topic, I hope will be of interest to you, Kisses!!!!

Stress and brain...

Hi hi hi hi… I'm stressed ... I know... My blog has its own life and opens when he wants, I think it is problem of my email, so I think that I'll change it. For this reason, this post will be a multipost.
Is very common to see people stressed today, society is demanding enough, work, school, children, marriage ... I think most things cause stress in people.
Fortunately, I have only the stress of college, and I try to diminish my stress with other activities, for example; I paint in oleo.
I think people do not know how to live ... the people don't know to organize the time... but in other countries, exist more time for the family and that reduces stress, also exist more support for government in other areas (Guillermo's activity for example, in France provided a nanny for the first mothers).
As individuals, we have much to grow and learn to control our emotions.
When said Dr. Maldonado, the brain is very complicated, and may alter the perception of reality...when the people are stressed, everything is more complicated, and is very dangerous because of extremely active of sympathetic nervous system, accelerates heart rate and breathing and if it continues for a long time can cause premature aging and depression problems.
The Dr. Maldonado 's disertation was very interesting and funny, in specially when I realized I didn't see the monkey!
Didn't have much knowledge about "the brain", but I think that with the "myths and truths" (people think that the more brain mass, increased intelligence)
I was able to clarify many about this topic.
Is important for my know about the brain and his development, because in a future, I will explain at the mother about the babys brain and and the importance of bonding. The baby is all set to receive information for storage, because the baby now is creating new neural a brain in development, and we can stimulated this brain for a good development.
The brain is very delicated, for this reason is necessary a good careful in this area (head).
Any damage in the brain, affect not only one affects other funtion...for example, if i hit my head, i can be invalid and with language problems. The brain is a universe.
Honestly I liked the presentation by Dr. Maldonado, more than the others, for his material support (use picture and video, not only letters) and the way to explain, easier to understand.
This is my opinion about both topics.
See you!!


Hi everyone! Late…but now, my opinión about Levonorgestrel!
The emergency contraception, is a very interesting and controversial topic, because It involves government, religion, church...but women??

The LNG is a derivative of 19-nortestosterone to acting through the progesterone receptor mimic the effects of natural hormone which is classified as an agonist or progestin, keeping the pregnancy and becoming the endometroid of proliferative to receptive and ihnibe the olvulacion when administered during the follicular phase.
Levonorgestrel produces three clear effects (delay of ovulation, decreased rate of migration of sperm and cervical mucus lower permeability), and one under discussion (postfertilization effect with a disability to the nest or even detachment of a zygote and implemented ). The efect is during 72 hours after an unprotected sex, (2 pill of 0.75 mg, 1.5 mg taken total)...faaaaaaast!
For my, baby is a “real baby” when he stars to synthesize their proteins, therefore, levnogestrel is not abortion pill, and may be helpful in case of violations.
I’m totally agree when after violations, use levonorgestrel , because when the woman sees her baby, remember the violation, and difficult to forget in her life...
It's unfair that a religious man (or church), opposes the use of levonorgestrel, because church or religion, will not cause women to forget the violation

I think it is inappropriate to use in case of an unplanned pregnancy for adolecents, because that's irresponsible, but I support the use after the appalling violations.

This is my opinion!


Hi, well ... I have to write the blog of levonorgestrel and correct summary... promise to do and publish this weekend!!!

I was pregnant for 10 months

Hello everyone!well, this is the link of "my" "article history", is very interesting because is about my career xD:

This article is about "long pregnancies",and the possible induction that makes them.
(is) It's known that pregnancies over 40 weeks are post termand exist studies that talk of a possible fetal damage...this is the conflict in this article, induction or not induction.
The US midwifery guru Ina May Gaskin believes that every baby will come in it is own time, and she is currently campaigning for 43 weeks – rather than 42 – as the definition of "late"...
The article shows that the inducction (for example: rupture of membrane)can bring serious consequences to the fetus, especially in his head, which receives all the pressure of the uterine contraction; this produce plastic deformation in the head (bones of the head),neuronal damage for compression, etc. In the article, the midwife said:
"Also, as Hart argues, induction is hardly risk-free: it carries higher rates of caesarean section, uterine rupture, foetal distress and maternal haemorrhage..."
In this history, Viv talks about her experience with her children (Jack) and the pregnancy (43 weeks) and she says that more women preffer cesarea; because is painless, and very fast, but induction, are innecesary in a physiological process like "pregnant".

In my opinion, the pregnant is a normal process, and the “pacha mama” is very inteligent. Is not necessary induction or other medicalization...ONLY IF THE NORMAL PREGNANCY (not only women need to be induction).
This new is very interesting, because now, in the world, exist a beautiful process in the obstetric area…”Humatination” where include mother,father,family and the new baby. (other interesting link, about the birth)

:) See you!!! kisses!!!

Guillermo's Activity!

Hi everyone!
Today, the topic is “Guillermo’s activity”: See the movie and comment.

The movie was about diferences betwen France, England and USA (health system).

My opinión for this topic : “IS VERY UNFAIR THE HEALTH IN DIFERENT COUNTRIES!” I was sad to see how people who work for vocation, think much about Money but in that case, I applaud France, for the nani service, free vacations and health system.

This actvities was interesting and allowed me to know other realities…Chile has a long way to grow, I hope the country will improve in health.

Well, Happy holidays to all! Kiss!