My "website" about Obstetrics

This is my favorite link because is very interesting, the website explain differetent topics about obstetrics, with simple words (dedicated for mothers,students and midwifes).

Mi have many section; contraceptives, fertilization,multiple pregnancy, abortion, maternal education, books, genetics illnes, works, sexuality, folic acid, and others. This website give important information at the parents, in special about sicological and anatomical changes in the pregnancy woman.

The picture in this link is ok! very nice and real!
I visited aproximatly twice a week, when is nesessary. I upgrade me in topics like: watherbirt,breastfeeding, OMS recomendation, etc.

I like mi, because is a very serious website, with support and aport to me in my professional growth. The different topics are very interesting and updated. The website can guide at the mother in this special process.

My dear friends and future midwife!!! I recommend this website! it is trustworthy, the information is complete, the mothers can explain their opinions and we can read them opinion! and we can be more human in the atention and in see the pregnan in biosicosocial context. is a good friend for students, mothers and midwife!

See you!!! kiss!

5 comentarios:

  1. Personally I thing the same! because is so easy understand the information..

    Is so interesting, see you in.. one second my dear "katherine" ;) jajajaja

  2. I love your photo and link because has important information for me and my future.
    I hope in my blog and visit it:

  3. Is a website very important for us as future midwives. The topics covered in this website are very useful for mothers to know the changes that will have on their lives...

    bye :)!

  4. Hi Kathy!

    that website is very cool because there are important information about pregnancy...

    see you!! bye
