Final Essay

This year is very important for my country, because is a. bicentennial year.
Chile is a beautiful and interesting country, the people is very friendly. The people change in the time, the Chilean people is very different than Chilean people in the past (for example), and now…Chile has a own culture.
This year (2010) was a special year, with more problems for the society. But the Chilean people is very strong and courageous. This is my topic, “Bicentennial’s anthology…Chile, big country”. February 27, was a terrible day for the chilean people. This day, an earthquake in Chile produce sadness in the chilean families.
More people died for the earthquake…was a terrible day for everyone.
After time, the terrible day was “superated” in Chile…and the World Cup helped.
Chile participated in this competition and the chilean people was very happy in this moment.
Marcelo Bielsa was a coutch in this moment, and he maked a good job with chilean football team.
But not only is good…other bad day for Chile; Agust 5 one mine (San Jose, Copiapo) was collapsed with 33 person.
The people was into the mine for 70 days.
Very countries helped to Chile, with technology, (for example machines) , and emotional support.
One day, the people into the mine wrote in a white pepper: “We (33 person) are ok into the mine” (the machine is down approximately 688 meters underground) was a message of hope for the families. Chilean people (and other people in the world) was cry for emotion and happiness.
In this moment, the government worked day and night for the people.
Today the 33 person are out of the mine (saved) with there families.

Finally, this year was very intense for Chile, but Chilean people are optimistic and courageous, however Chile should grow, because is a “more young country than France”. This was a “Bicentennial’s anthology…Chile, big country”.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi katycion this is the last post+}ufff..i'm very nostalgio..very very and you?
    can you tell me? pleasee pleasesssssssss ajajajajajjajaja

    welll..this year was very special in Chile..
    very interesting your essay
